Do you menstruate, and are you interested in representing your menstruation experiences in creative ways?

The Menstrual Accessory Menstruation Sponsorship and Ambassador program is exclusive membership to the ultimate elite menstruators and social influencers. Those who are leaders in their community and are passionately engaged in promoting menstruation.
Menstrual Accessory embraces individuals of all genders at different points of their menstruation journey through a supportive community. We believe in creating versatile products that reflect a passion for menstruation. They are designed to endure the highest flow, enforce confidence & motivate, which are the critical components of a menstruator’s happiness. We are thrilled to sponsor menstruators and bring on brand ambassadors who are menstruating in different settings, e.g., at home, in the office, on vacation, and becoming an essential and integral part of your menstruation experience.
Individuals who demonstrate our brands’ core values will be chosen; individuals who show enthusiasm and engagement with the community both locally and virtually. Most important is how you impact the representation of menstruation. Your social influence and social media presence plays a significant role in our consideration for sponsorship or being an Ambassador.
To be considered for the Menstrual Accessory Sponsorship or Ambassador program, please submit your Menstrual Accessory Brand Ambassador Application to Vanessa Dion Fletcher at
For more info about Menstrual Accessory, visit their Instagram, online store, and/or watch Vanessa’s presentation at the Santa Fe Art Institute.